Buying for a friend?

Searching for the right gift but not sure where to start and need to know a bit more? Or know exactly what their thing is but looking for a good deal? Or looking for something that you appreciate as much as them? You’re in the right place.


Gift a subscription!

Yes - it sounds daunting, but it’s really easy to set up and amend a gift subscription. A trial period is automatically activated if you change your mind and you can easily change or add products based on the scent or type they want.

A great way to really treat your bestie, son, or fellow fellow to a regular dose of beard love that just keeps them thinking of you and means they don’t ever have to worry about topping up!

In support of CALM

Good on you for looking out for your mate!

Don’t forget a small percentage of all profits made here at Beesü go towards CALM*. #TalkAboutIt

*The Campaign Against Living Miserably is a charity in support of mens mental health and suicide prevention. Charity reg no 1110621 and SC044347.


Are they picky with scents? Or maybe need something quick and easy?

Say hello to our bot (bottom right) and take the 60 second quiz to narrow things down based on what you know they do like, or perhaps you’re not so sure about smells, but you know that they’re a busy type and don’t have time for too much faff? Or the opposite? They’re looking for a new routine to keep them grounded?

If you’re still not sure, check out our FAQ Page or just leave your email with the Beesü bot and we’ll aim to get back to you within the hour.


What’s the difference between a balm, oil and a wax you ask?

Click here to ask our bot! Or find the answer on our FAQ page…

Weekday Grounding - Beard Care Gift Kit

Worried that the scent might not be right for them? For a limited time, we’re offering a discount on a specially selected collection of 5 beard oils, one for each day of the week. Meaning they can choose their scent and find their truth. Keep it varied. #BeYou



Full Sets

Make sure your friend is covered from all angles; whether they’re just looking for an all-in-one balm, need a new scented candle burner that happens to be great for the beard, or want to get curling their moustache but need a nudge letting them know they definitely can rock it…

Our gift kits (Full Sets) are hand packaged and if you want your order to include a message, just send us an email or leave a message with our friendly bot (bottom right) and we’ll be happy to write a little something on your behalf!

Double Trouble

Can’t decide on scent? Buy two for less and give them the choice! Limited offer while stocks last.

We’ve paired together some scents that we believe compliment each other and give the user a nice option for days where they might be feeling a different way… I.e Everyday! Our advice is to stick to one scent a day to avoid scent clash.

Wax & Mane

Want to shape your moustache, wax and wane those edges to long-hold perfection AND keep the mane popping without clashing scents? These are the duos for you.

Trio’s Coming Soon

Three really is the magic number. And like magic, these offers will disappear soon.

Our specially selected trios give the user the option to mix things up and include a balm for those days where things need a little more taming. They’re also a great option for those ‘out and about’ folks who need something for the go that just stays in their pocket and doubles up as lip balm & hand moisturiser.